Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Don't tell them Jesus loves them...

Don't tell them Jesus loves them

...till you're ready to love them too.

Recently I heard a song that touched me so much. I'm just putting the chorus here:

Don’t tell them Jesus loves them till you’re ready to love them too

Till your heart breaks from the sorrow and the pain they’re going through

With a life full of compassion may we do what we must do

Don’t tell them Jesus loves them till you’re ready to love them too

- Don't tell them Jesus loves them by
Steve Camp

Exactly. People need more than our prayers. They need our material, physical and emotional help too. Doesn't the Bible itself teach that? Claiming to be part of the Body of Christ, Christians are supposed to pass the love of Jesus to this world. Evangelism would never be fruitful if Christians are stingy and selfish. Here's a chorus from another beautiful song:

If we are the body

Why aren't His arms reaching?

Why aren't His hands healing?

Why aren't His words teaching?

And if we are the body

Why aren't His feet going?

Why is His love not showing them there is a way?

- If we are the Body by Casting Crowns

Concluding, our actions should speak louder than our words. I remember a famous one-liner:

"Preach the gospel always, if necessary use words" - St. Francis of Assisi

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